Thursday 14 July 2011

Pictures of architecture of classical Egyptian in Malaysia

The picture on the left hand side is Indian Jeweler. It show that the indian shop has use the style of Greek's architecture on the two columns in front of the shop. The two columns is build by the Corinthian order which is the most decorative and is usually the one most modern people like best. The Corinthian capitals have a very unique and attractive style that will catch the viewer's attention at the first sight. The shaft of the columns has flutes while the base is almost like the Ionian although the base is look a little too high compare to the acient times.

The picture on the left hand side is the HSBC bank building in Ipoh. The style of the building is almost like the Egyptian style and also looks like Inggeris style. It is very attractive and it give us a sense of historical. The most attractive is the repetition of columns they used in the middle part. The columns is the Ionic order which normally taller than Doric orders. From the picture, they build so many columns to balance up the building same as keep the weight of the building so that the building will not collapsed. The Ionic capital consist of a scrolls above the shaft and very decorative which make the whole building become attractive.

The left hand is the Bangunan KTM Berhad ( Railway Administration Building) at Kuala Lumpur. The design of the building is amazing and it almost like the old church in the old times. Besides that, this building also have the repetition of columns which is in Doric order which is very plain, but still have a powerful-looking in its design and is almost like Greek styles. From the first time I see this picture, it remind me as the oldest times of church building.

The left picture is the Municipal Council Building  in Georgetown. The building has the Greek style and the columns they use is almost like the Ionic order as the decorations of this building or for the balance of the building. The decorations and the position of columns made the whole building looks like a noble family house.

The picture in the left side is the Sri Mariamman temple in Johor Bahru. This indian temple is very colourful, attractive and have a good decorations. The part that is almost like the Greek style is the columns they build between the entrance and the roof top which is besides the statue. The columns they build is the Doric order which have the capital, shaft, base and padistal. So, the decorations made the temple become more effective to the Indian people come to pray to their god.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Is history of art and design necessary for your large goals

I think yes. Because I think the history of art can give more knowledges and ideas in create something. I think that all the desingn is begin with the history of art which the ancient people start having the knowledge of drawing in the ancient times. It help me to get more well know about the art since I like art the most.

what do I want to get from this class?

The thing I want to get from this class is I want to know more about the history of art whether is egypt or greek or else. After enter this class, the most I interested is the painting that the old times people draw on the wall gave especially about the materials they used and the techniques of drawing. I also want to get known more about how the ancient people do the statue and I feel very proud of them when everytime I saw the photo whether in class or books.

what do I want to be doing in 5, 10, 20 years?

Whether it is 5 or 10 or 20 years, I just want to get a better job and let my parents who nowadays working very hard to clear my grandfather debts to have a easy life and want them to rest more. This is my first wish. Besides that, I also want to have an adventure to the other place especially the historical place because I want to see the real history things by my own eyes because I always see those things inside the photo. But it still attract my attention and my curiousity. And of course, I wish I have a new family for my parents as their new partners,haha....

what do I want from this course?

The thing I want from this course is the the knowledge of creativity in graphic design and multimedia.
When everytime I saw the advertisment design, I always thinking "how the designer are able to do something like that" if there is the advertisment design attract my attention. So, I want to learn the technique of design the advertisment or any kind of things that I never learn in my whole life.

Monday 11 July 2011

why am I doing this course?

The reason I doing this course is because I hope one day I can be a good designer and wish to design something special. Since I am the uncreative person, I still take my chances in taking this course to learn more about the design and hopefully I can be a designer like my cousin did. On the same time, I feel very excited and feel likeness when I found this course on the newspaper. I don't know why, maybe because that time I were just looking for art course since I failed enter the government university. So, I taking this course by looking forward what it looks like and want to learn something that I never learn before even my family members.